
Concerning the spoken and the written in particular

Isn’t the spoken more performative then the written? Are there intermediate mediums such as msn conversations? Film myself performing my dissertation. The philosophical problems interconnected to the written and the spoken. The importance of myth and mistery (maybe myth) in the spoken word (Buda, Jesus, Socrates… the difference between an artist talking or an artist writing). Authority of these different media for language and it’s implications. The effect and the affect. The unwritable and unsayable and the performative aspects of my work. The importance of the idea of space and the specificity of a venue and the effect it has on me. How does this connect to the importance of the image and the spoken language in post-modernism? Television, Radio, Internet and the battle between word and image being apparently sorted with sound and moving images (the bad consequences of this medium), conventional and new, book and report.Visual culture in the context of art and language. Understanding and engaging.

Myth should be replaced by uncertainty.

The random reflux of language and art. The application of language to specific projects such as the fridge project. The importance of temperature is still to unvail but it might be connected to the awareness of the phisical sensation even when that is not the best souce of knoledge.

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